Core Self Evaluations and Organizational Climate as Predictors of Job Crafting Among Nurses

  • Adaobi. C. Eze Enugu State University of Science and Technology
  • Chinazom. J Aniaku Enugu State University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Core-self evaluations, Organizational climate, Job crafting, Nurses


Organizational careers that occurred within a single work context are nowadays replaced by boundaryless, self-managed work stories, where individuals are regularly asked to shift roles, enhance capabilities and re-adapt to new work environment hence the interest in exploring core self-evaluations and organizational climate as predictors of job crafting among nurses. A total of ninety eight (98) nurses between the ages of 20-45, with the mean age of 38.07 and standard deviation of 8.26 participated in this study. Organizational climate scale (Likert, 1961), Core self evaluations scale (Judge et. Al, 2003) and job crafting scale (Tims & Bakker et. al.) were instruments used in the study. Correlational design and hierarchical multiple regression was adopted. Results indicated that core self-evaluations positively and significantly predicted job crafting while organizational climate failed to predict job crafting among nurses. Based on this outcome, stakeholders in the health  sector are encouraged to recruit and sustain nurses who are high on core self-evaluations since they have the greatest ability to craft their job to suit their skills and preference in order to maintain maximum performance.

Author Biographies

Adaobi. C. Eze, Enugu State University of Science and Technology

Department of Psychology

Chinazom. J Aniaku, Enugu State University of Science and Technology

Department of Psychology

How to Cite
Eze, A. C., & Aniaku, C. J. (2024). Core Self Evaluations and Organizational Climate as Predictors of Job Crafting Among Nurses. ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9(2). Retrieved from