ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 2025-03-10T19:28:44+00:00 BARNABAS NWANKWO [email protected] Open Journal Systems Journal of Social Sciences ARMED CONFLICT AS A FATAL THREAT TO CHILD HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2025-02-09T19:06:09+00:00 Innocent Ahamefule Nwosu [email protected] <p>Armed conflict is obstacle to good health and peaceful co-existence in many countries. It is an enemy against children. During Nigeria Civil War (1967-1970), millions of children on the defunct Biafra side died from adverse health conditions. In spite of these, the health/social consequences of that war on children have not been adequately addressed. The study therefore assessed disruption of family lives of the children and diseases that affect them during that war. The study utilized in-depth interviews and complemented it with narrative review of literature on the civil war. It was found that there is a strong relationship between armed conflict and adverse health conditions of children before, during and after war. Therefore, war affects children’s health and social development. The study recommends that serious effort should be made to prevent war or where it is impossible, adequate relief support and medical infrastructures should be in place by national and international governments/agencies.</p> 2025-02-09T19:02:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IMPLICATIONS OF CATASTROPHIC RISK FUTURE AS ALTERNATIVE RISKS TRANSFER SOLUTION ON PERFORMANCE OF MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN NIGERIA 2025-02-09T19:06:10+00:00 Moses Tunde Oyerinde [email protected] Adekunle Sunday Aduloju [email protected] Yusuf Olalekan Tajudeen [email protected] <p>The manufacturing companies are faced with many risks which includes regular business risks such as credit risks, switch in market taste, human and personnel risks, injury, damage to third party and so on. The industry handles these risks by way of risk transfer through insurance by shifting the financial implication of loss, injury or damage to another party or parties.&nbsp; However, there are risks that are existential to the industry that can be described as catastrophic such as hurricane, earthquake, terror attacks etc. These type of risks cannot be adequately covered by regular insurance. This class of risks can only be covered by non-insurance transfer by way of Alternative Risk Transfer, ART. The study aim to determine impact of Catastrophic Risk futures (CRF) as an alternative risks transfer solutions on the performance of Nigeria manufacturing companies revealed significant correlation between CRF as an ART solution and performance with correlation coefficient (r) of 0.630 with a p-value of 0.000. The ANOVA findings also showed performance of manufacturing enterprises could be strongly be predicted by CRF as well as a positive association between CRF solution and performance of the manufacturing companies. Therefore, we can conclude that there is significant relationship between CRF as an ART solution and the performance of Nigeria manufacturing companies and that CRF do have real impact on the performance of the manufacturing concerns. However, stakeholders such as the Government, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and Security and Exchange Commission, SEC needs to work together to create enabling environment for ART to thrive by sensitization of the industry on the concept and benefits of ART. The industry must ensure that all alternative risk transfer solutions comply with local and international regulatory standards to avoid legal complications and ensure growth of the ART solutions in the country..</p> 2025-02-09T19:03:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Research Data Management Services 2025-02-09T19:06:10+00:00 Joseph Chukwusa [email protected] Edith Ijeoma Oshiokpu [email protected] <p>This study investigated Research Data Management (RDM) services among 3 selected University libraries in South-South, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was employed in this research. Due to the fact that the population was small (75 respondents) all of them was used for the study. However, after questionnaire administration and retrieval, 72 of the respondents were used for the study. Frequency count and mean statistics were deployed in analyzing the data. Result of the study revealed that the awareness level of (RDM) services amongst the librarians was high; and so was the extent of implementation of RDM. The research recommended that it is imperative that Nigerian libraries and librarians acquire deeper understanding regarding the extent and scope of research data management services so that they can understand where to improve on.</p> 2025-02-09T19:05:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Perceived Risk, Technology Readiness and Adoption of Online Banking among Undergraduates Students 2025-02-09T19:06:10+00:00 Ifenna D. Ezeanya [email protected] Kingsley Chinedu Nwizu [email protected] Chiamaka O Joe-Akunne [email protected] Okechukwu Samuel Chukwuma [email protected] <p>The study investigated the relationships between perceived risk, technology readiness and undergraduates’ adoption of online banking. Participants were 250 undergraduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. They included 118 (47.2%) males and 132 (52.8%) females, whose ages ranged between 18 to 36 years, with the mean age of 21.74 and standard deviation of 2.044. The Risk Perception Scale (<a href="">Featherman &amp; Pavlov, 2003</a>); Technology Readiness Scale (Celik &amp; Kocaman, 2017); and Online Banking Adoption Scale (Pikkarainen et al., 2004) were used for data collection. The design was correlational design, while Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis was used for data analysis. The result revealed between perceived risk did not significantly relate with adoption online banking (r= -.024, p &gt;.05) while technology acceptance was found to have significant relationship with adoption online banking (r = .233, p&lt;.001). It also further revealed that significant relationship exist between perceived risk and technology acceptance (r= -.176, p&lt;.005). Based on the findings, the researcher recommended amongst financial institutions, educational campaigns and universities so in order to improve the student's experience on the use of online banking.</p> 2025-02-09T19:05:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Daughters, Sons, and Spouses 2025-03-10T19:27:45+00:00 Mohammed Habib Nu’uman [email protected] <p>This paper explores the emergence of dynasties in the Nigerian political landscape since the return to democratic governance in 1999. The relatively stable atmosphere that had been achieved in the political scene which no longer felt threatened by the possibility of a military coup, as was the norm in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa and Latin America of the 1950s and 1960s, has made politicians relaxed and self-assured that civilian rule has come to stay. This feeling of assurance, among other factors, has led to the elite political class to want to perpetuate themselves in elective political offices, passing the baton to their sons, daughters, spouses, siblings and/or in-laws. Drawing from open-source materials available in newspapers and the internet, the paper found that it is now the vogue for elected public office holders to position close family as their successors in the offices they are vacating or others within the electoral system, including gubernatorial, federal and state legislative positions. It is our conclusion, in this paper, that notwithstanding that political dynasties are found in other democracies, they represent a real and potential threat to the Nigerian democratic space.</p> 2025-03-10T19:27:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND INCOME INEQUALITY IN WEST AFRICA 2025-03-10T19:28:44+00:00 Emeka Eze [email protected] Joyce Chukwuma-Ogbonna [email protected] Chukwuma Ogbonna [email protected] <p>The study investigated the effect of financial inclusion on inequality in West Africa. The study used data from 13 West African countries for which data were available. Data on Gini coefficient, human development index, financial inclusion index, per capita income, government expenditure, inflation, dependency ratio, mean school years, voice and accountability and trade openness was used in the analysis. Also, the study constructed a financial inclusion index using data on credit to the private sector, Number of bank brancher per 100000 of the population and bank account ownership per thousand of the population. Empirically, the study applied Panel OLS Panel Fixed effect and Panel Random effect estimators to evaluate the objectives of the study. Evidence from the study indicate that Financial inclusion has a negative relationship with inequality in West Africa, however the effect of financial inclusion on inequality reduction was found to be insignificant indicating that financial inclusion may have marginal effect at best on inequality in the West Africa Sub region. The findings from the study has some policy implications. Firstly, the negative but insignificant effect of financial inclusion on income inequality may have resulted from low levels of financial inclusion in West Africa. This implies that at higher levels of financial inclusion, the effect may become more pronounced.</p> 2025-03-10T19:28:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES